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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Barb Queen of the Yard Long Bean!!!!

   My next couple posts are going to feature those who were the core members of the Team that God called to Uganda/Ethiopia 2010. I am going to start with Barb. She is an Agricultural Missionary. I did not know they had those either. I assure you there are some kids at the Abba house that cannot praise God enough for Barbs "major" choice.   She actually did not travel with us for the Ethiopia part of the trip. She stayed behind in Uganda. It's ok, she had a mission. During the time we spent in Uganda Barb's mission... let's start with a story. The following is an exert from "Deckers Diary" (Barbs last name)  anyway her words are titles Daily Mana...
  Though I went with them as a team, I staydr in Uganda while the rest went on to Ethiopia. My purpose there was to plant a garden with good vegetables to enhance their daily food. They eat a LOT of RED BEANS and "posho" (pasha) a bland corn flour mush. Posho is a word in Swahili meaning "provision". At the school, which is on the same property as the Abba House, they cook up about 25 pounds of beans every day and serve them as lunch with posho. Big sweet potatoes appear occasionally and sometimes the beans are flavored with small eggplants or with small sun-dried minnows. I am reminded of the stories of the Israelites and their "posho" of manna, and how tired they got from eating that stuff every day! It is basically the same scenario at the Abba House. They eat posho porridge for breakfast, their school provides posho and beans for lunch, and then they return to the Home for a hearty eal of beans, perhaps with minnows or eggplant, and posho. Sometimes groups of individuals will refuse to eat,the Bible says that hunger makes things taste better. I remember in Venezuela when someone commented concerning sun-dried minnows,"yeah, we boil them together with some potatoes and then, with a little hunger they can make a fine meal." The groups wait until hunger gnaws at them, usually by suppertime, to receive their portions of the "manna".
      While  Barb was in Uganda she broke the soil and as one pastor said " I don't understand why someone would come from so far away to dig in the dirt and plant seeds. But I give God all the glory for this person who came and worked in the soil like an African so that these children could have a better diet." If you do not know anything about Africa they call it a "warm" climate. Not because it is warm but because the people are well people oriented. In other words Barb taking the time not only to go to Africa, but that she is willing to give of her time and effort to improve the diets and overall health of the children. The seeds Barb will sow in the hearts of the Ugandan people because of the seeds God asked her to plant in the ground will light up the sky's of Uganda so to speak. Word will spread of what Bard has done. When the second water source is completed and others come from abroad to get water  the love of Christ will be passed through the African grape vine and because of a few cucumbers, zucchini, beets, spinach, chard, watermelon and a white lady from Missouri who knows how many hearts will be changed for the Lord.

   By the time Barb left some of the seeds she had sowed were by the grace of God were already poking their heads through the soil. We had a reunion at our home a couple weeks ago... Barb came to the house with a basket of Yard beans. they were green beans 18 inches long. We were all wowed by them. She excitedly told us these are also growing at the Abba House in Uganda. Wow one bean per plate is all that is needed with this variety.  It is impossible for me to even imagine eating chicken every day,,,,,,,,every meal.  Nor can I imagine never getting chicken. Or just eating cheerios EVERY DAY. We have such variety here in the US we can hardly imagine eating the same thing more than once a week. Whew imagine meatloaf every day.. not just Mondays 8)  That's for the old timers.
   In September Barb hopes to go back for the harvest.. to see the fruits of her Labor. To give all the praise to God not only for the new foods the kids will have, foods that allow the kids to have a bit of variety in their diets imagine how their bodies will feel with a new variety of vitamins that will flood their bodies as a result of the children eating the fresh veggies. The improved health, eyesight, energy levels. Not to mention just the thrill of watching a seed sprout, grow, blossom , and become the vegetable God intended it to be. We sure get excited at our house when we pull a tomato from the vine or when the green beans don't even make it to a pot of water. Just snap the ends and pop it in your mouth. mmmmmmmmm

   Like I said , Barb is a missionary she has been asked by God to serve those in Uganda.  Barb has willingly given her life to God's service. In turn she relies on his leading  of others for her financial provisions. When she goes back in September she will be staying for three months. She is working on helping them create two water sources. One with solar power. These water sources will benifit many communities of people. Barbs story and the vision God has given her is longer than what I have posted here. Her three month journey will hopefully end with ample water sources, but he possibility for farming jobs for the boys that will graduate from the Abba house in two years. I am working on finding a a link so you can read her whole newsletter. It is great reading.
  Please pray for Barb and the journey the Lord has called her on.
             Pray she can secure the funds (God knows who he has called to give)
             Pray for her safety ( there has been a bit of violence in Uganda lately)
             Pray for her health ( Barb has a knee injury that the Dr has ok'd her to serve)

Barb is on the left with the green shirt. Standing with some of the children who excitedly wait for harvest day!!!

I believe it is a part of God's plan for Barb to continue to minister through gardening to  the children of Abba House  would you prayerfully consider how God would have you to help Bard in her service to those in Uganda. If he would have you to help financially go to  and click on donate (it's a little down on the left)  there is  a place to share that the donation if for Barb. Tax deductible of course.  

 For it was I that planted the seed in your heart, Apollis  watered it, but it was God not we that made it grown.  I Corinthians 3:6

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